日本fuji 富士 lvso-104g
日本hakko 白光 t12-k
美国 控制盘 model no: m-trim-2e,product no.3200-1600x rev.1,hardware no.7300 rev.a ,software 000-7731 rev.1.00,serial no.394912x
伺服驱动器m-traverse,product no.3200-18 rev.d,hardware no.7300-1 rev.d,software 000-76 rev.2.30,serial no.4274differential sensor传感器7200-09
日本 阀用驱动器 sa-c8z-sh2s sa-a4z-rhc35s
台湾 指针式 温控 ky-d91 kyc-sd ky-e01 ky-e61
台湾 泵浦kh-02-20s kh-02-40 kh-04-20 kh-04-20s kk408-083xkh-04-40 kp825c 1/2hp kp-820s kp820skp320n (1/2hp) kp320nt kp320 kp-320 kp320skp325 kp325s kh-0230s kh-0430skq725nx kq-725xn kh-04-50skh-4-20 0.75kwkq400-nkq400,multistage booster system kk205-5 kh-12-30kq800s kq800ic ka0525kq200配teco电机 betzpr-kqf kh-08-60s
压力开关ps-02机械轴封铜叶轮东元`电机aehlpr 1/2hp 0.37kw frame:63
美国 步进电机 ht17-071
德国 电磁阀snmf532230ac-m snmf532
台湾 整流脱磁器 wl-115c hd-510-10a hd-510-1 hd-510-20ahd-280油水分离器 hd-800 hd-810 hd-820 hd-830
美国 电热调整器scr power controls iz-38180-5 `ametek hdr power systems` zf2-400-500-lg-no-01
油缸jhm-50/20x270-b-r40*300-c-e3jhm-50-20 jhm-50b125-b-20x85-c -b-32x230-bfa-b-x23-e2 -b-r40b100-c-e2 121
油泵电机y90l-4-1.5kw y100l1-4-2.2kw y80m-4-0.75kw yjb90s-4 1.1kw sy-516 yjb100l1-4 380v 2.2kw yjb132s2-6 5.5kw
`vtcicers`victcers hydraulic make co ltd`泵variable vane pumps vp1-20-70 vp1-15-70wp1-12/12-70/7c wp1-12/12-70/70vp3-40-f4a1-rvp2-30-70 mfg..108hgp-2a-f-12r vp-40-140 vp4-70-35 capacity:70 l/min(1800rpm)
冷却泵ysb-52 ysb-25 ysb-50电机ypej-505.5kwaeef-ac 3hp 2.2kw frame:100
电磁阀dsg-01-3c60-n-50dshg-06-3-dl sbsg-06-2b2-n-50
`ju fen`wanling`油泵 gpy-f8r油泵电机
美国 lpg 减压阀1813b2 orf 1/4" 0231 vent 1213b sr113
台湾 步进马达 ms2610h-03a ms223-09at ms223-09 ms225-09a sm1b0301 ms225-09b ms266h-02btb ms266m-03a ms266h-03a ms266h-03at ms569d-a ms225-09a-kb4100-s00 ms245m-12a ms268h-03am长螺杆步进电机 ms266h-03a-lsh1004-120 ms266h-03a-lsh1004-150ms243-12a-ln6100 ms243-12a-ln6192 ms243-12a-ln6096 ms243-12a-ln6384 ms243-12a-ls0609-s00ms223-09at ms223-09a ms223-09 ms223-09b ms566d-a
digital motorms268h-03ams245-12b-ls6192-soo ms1f0522015
步进驱动器ds22dds22ddds23db ds23md mds22md ds22md ds23ddds514d
意大利 电容器wb-40100-mk-sn wb40100mksn 2.5uf 40/085/21 mlr2rl 8uf mlr2rl4580wb40250 wlr2rlmlr2rl-45803071-mk-sh,r-13-41k451604071,r-08-06a,16uf
mlr2rl45 mlr2rl454wb-4080-mk-sh 8uf mlr2rl-4580-mk-sh mlr2rl408mlr25l4080 mlr2rl 451253571 mk-sh 12.5uf por-09-26a 8uf 10ufr-10-18a-40uf wb40400-mk-sh-40ufwb-4050mk 5μf wb4050mk mc3-3uf 8uf 10% wb40100-mk-sh wb4250 25ufwb-40160-mk-sh wb40160 mlr2rl wb-4020-mk-sh 2uf wb4020-mk-shwb-40140-sh 14mf 40/085/2 12.5μf,400vac 50hz mlr2rl452504591 mlr2rl wb4060-mk-sh
韩国 压力表compound gauge 真空压力表s10011 l800 s11023p 411p 283p, parts no:283p25f5m008t1
压力传送器p401h3000pgot温度传感器e007-004 pt100ω 1/2 300 110series
温度表343t 301t343t22f(0~120c)m80190j0f4 343t32h(0~200c)m80250j0f4 343t22f(0~60c)m80190j0f4 343t32h(0~200c)m80200j0f4/343t40a2c
a、bulb/thermowells 1"150# rf*400 tg-301t liquld filled temperature gauge
b、thermocouple/thwemowells 1" 300# rf *300 ,thermocouple:model:1203
c、thermometers/thermowells100ω*1” 150#rf*300 rtd:moel 1103
丹麦模块放大器load cell amplifier unit lau-73.1 lau73.1称重模块das72.1
双串联 散热风扇mw-410l12s12hh24b-wdb 3hac029
瑞士 数字显示控制仪universal controller sn:af4542 pn:40-100tcy3-t0121r tcy-t0121 tcy-t0121-d
德国风扇风机dkhr500-4kw drad315-4-s-spez
德国 继电器ad-tw-502-gs 美国 交直流电机马达md0091x iec-d71c md0090xmd1420b
台湾 减速箱achm pp:1/30 1/4hp大同`马达1/4hp fr.53m fr53m eefc-d s#60122achm30 1/4hp hxm8-8170 i=51hm-15hp hm15vm82 pp:1/59 1/2hp 赛驱乐减速机 vm05-82 helical gear,1/20.25 kat-y100赛驱乐减速电机 hm15-8195-av 11kw 15hp转向器2m-il lg2-il 1:1 蜗轮减速机nmrv050-1/30-71b5
美国 流量开关ifs01br-1ifs01br-1-taifso1br-s1 ifs01br-s1
美国 电机smartmotor sm2315d-1p sm2315d-brk
德国 阀门调节器stellungsregler 827a.e2-abo-m10-g阀门824.x
步进驱动器ykb 2608mc ykb2608mg ykb2608mc yka2811ma 3d722mykc2608mykb3606ma-c3 yka2608mh yka2608md
步进电机yk86hb 156-06a yk86hb 156-06a yk42hb60-01b yk42hb60-01a
台湾`top`截止阀 150a 2寸4分 1寸
瑞士 变色龙v 太阳能焊接镜片 尺寸:50.8 x 108 501
台湾气动黄油机 sd-24rs42rs40 s40l s80 s60 s30 气动马达修理包 40650 抽油心修理包 40660
德国 熔断器n5083
日本 减压阀 gd30 dn-20 ta-22 1" 2
减速机cat.no.hub-b,spec.35n44-87-a,1hp np1393fwc718b600k fwc718b600 fwc718b600kb5g1 f713-25-b5-gf221sph-4-b5,input hp:2.02
电机cat no:dr5tf-b,spec:34k35w242c1,hp:1/4 sn:w03022
齿轮hlsk103y hlsk-103y-r hlsk-103y-l
连轴器bg11-2-6-6thermocouples感温线type:probe message:insulation
探头 pt100 cre1 tr500 probe k型感温探头(长1米 m6)
台湾 插式阀 插式方向控制阀 od.15.01 ep08w2a01m05m847,ep-08w-2a-01-m-05 ahjgep08w2a01m-05ep08w2ao7n05ep08w2a07n05 ep21e02a01n05 ep17w2a07n05 ep17e2a01m05 ep17ea01n05 ep17e2a01n05 ep17e2a01m05 2a117 280t压铸机锤头连接杆射水杆接头
台湾 鼓风机yf-80a yf80yaf-80a electric blowr yf-200 yf-300
意大利 泵a50-12e a50/12 a65-150ce a65/150c a65-150ae a65/150a 机械密封
日本 电流表 dcf-8船用配件outline view of starter control unit启动器scu-an6 power ac18v ser no:694 scu-an7 601c scu-dn2a scu-an8 6010d scu-ln1 power-ac18v-3xj scu-rn2 ac18v-3yj
switch for navigation light indicator jne-1203 f3te03 drawing no gp4789-21,space heatersh-2205,ac220v 50w
综合报告打印type:sms-u20f-35 上用的色带erc-23tec8510 ink ribbon for log printerlcd graphic terminal sgd-640-a sms-22电源转换器converter res-104 p/n: 106 (for power source unit type: jrcs-rec-104 res-104-1
alarm & monitoring机舱 监视器 sms-22,lcd graghicterminal sgd-640-x4 no. 1439,sgd-640-x4g-1
echo sounder recorder记录器:jfe-570s用记录笔generator control and monitoring system jmc-sms-25 jacom-21
m/e exhaust gas temp indicator显示器 dda-601e cent. item no. 135,jacom-22,nk type approved no.00a/26 code:1000 、dis**y unit j-22 complete item no:2034 code:1000,
circuit board for foremast navigational light,type: g-28-1 jne-1203b导航灯用电路板jne-203bfuse丝16013 2a
泵 pvt-220/140
台湾 压力拉力量表hf-107580 hf-e探头hf-104300
日本荷重元lcs-l-2knlcp-20knlch-20kn lcx-20knccb-8kna s/n:113861测定器nts-1250a
高速显示器荷重表nts-4840nts-4800rs-232适配卡 ,bcd适配卡
德国 紧固件hvs-20-9
台湾扎带束带tsl-100-m-yb tsl-200-i-yb tsl-300-i-yb tsl-150-i-yb mta-110-m-yt
热缩套管scg5.0 scg6.0 scg8.0 scg16.0
卷式结束带sb-6bsb-19 sb-8固定座sdm-101-yt stm-1-yt stm-2-yt stm-3-yt 闭端端子ce-2-yt ce-2
配线槽wd2545-4-1.7s wd3345-4-1.7s wd4545-4-1.7s ws6565-4-1.7s td-2 foam n-l td-2 2 td-4 foam n-l td-4 4
台湾止回阀v3066 csv-04-01 ccv-04js-2acsv-02-01升降复合阀ef-20-a2-01ef-20-a2-01
台湾 专利证号:370312 台湾专利证号:173165
振动马达 js-601a-2b js-60 js-601a-2a js-601a-2c js-601a-2d js601a-2b
法国 称重,力、扭矩、压力及位移测量 迷你微量钮扣型凸点荷重元 k22-2kn ag30c3sh5ef 587226 ag30c3sh5ef3m ag30c3sh10ef
日本 淬硬层测厚仪sh-6